Friday, August 29, 2008

What To Title a Post When You Can't Seem To Think of Anything Witty (or Even Pseudo-Witty)

I just finished writing a discussion posting about U.S. Health Care and Medical Information for my SLIS 5365 class and I think I've managed to use up all the words in my brain. While my three paragraphs were, I'm sure, scintillating, I seem to have overloaded the ol' neural circuits. However, being the dedicated blogger I am, I thought I'd at least give you all something to read. (Really, no thanks are necessary. Just send money. Oh! I jest!)

A vacation story for your general amusement:

We drove from our cabin in Idaho to visit Yellowstone National Park the Thursday of our vacation. (Climbing on my soapbox to add: I think everyone should see Yellowstone before they die. It is a seriously beautiful place that is unique in all the world. End of soapbox rant. You may continue with your enjoyable reading.) We came in through the west entrance which meant that we passed through West Yellowstone, Montana. After our hour and a half drive, we needed to use the facilities there and maybe buy a sweet snack or two to get us through until we could eat our picnic lunch. (Did anyone else just think "pic-a-nic basket" in Yoggi Bear's voice? No? Must be just me, then.) Anyway, TLS purchased a Sunkist orange soda and drank about half of it before we entered the park. He replaced the cap to the soda bottle and we proceeded to start enjoying our Yellowstone adventure. (Question for another post: Why do generally intelligent people lose their minds when they see wildlife?)

We ended up at the Old Faithful area around lunch so we retired to the car to open our pic-a-nic basket (Gotcha this time, didn't I?!). TLS started to open his soda bottle and--in the spirit of the park--the orange liquid formed its own violent geyser and spewed all over TLS's lap, the steering wheel and the car seat. ("Oh, Avis? Sorry about the sticky stain. I hope you have a steam cleaner handy.") TLS's shorts took the brunt of the eruption so until it dried it looked as if he had suffered an orange soda bathroom mishap. Come to think of it, even after it dried, it looked as if he had suffered an orange soda bathroom mishap, but he was a good sport and we managed to have a great day anyway.

We never did figure out why it acted that way. I've never seen that happen before and I hope never to see it again.

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