Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Reading Roundup

I read Gob's Grief by Chris Adrian over the weekend. Loved it. (Of course, I must admit that I'm never adverse to stories that are somewhat off-kilter.) This is the story of twin eleven-year-old brothers, George Washington Woodhull - "Gob" and Thomas Jefferson Woodhull - "Tomo", from a small town in Ohio during the height of the Civil War. Tomo runs away to join the war only to die during battle. Gob, wracked by grief, spends the rest of his life trying to find a way to bring back Tomo and all the others who've died. Adrian brings together real people (Walt Whitman, Abraham Lincoln, and proto-feminist Victoria Woodhull) with a cast of characters straight out of his vivid imagination. Each page is filled with the enormity of the sorrow and grief felt by the nation during the war between the states. I look forward to reading Chris Adrian's two other books.

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