Monday, August 04, 2008

"Are You Alright? Are You Okay? You, Call 911!"

Last Friday, I did what I hadn't done since ... oh, about 1984, which was to take a CPR class. Our office hosts them about twice a year and even though I'd always managed to find a reason not to take it, something about that invitation in my email box kept calling to me. I've found it mostly advantageous to listen to subconsious girl when she's sending me messages. I just hope that it isn't an omen that I'll have to use my newly re-found skills anytime soon. (God forbid!)

CPR has really changed since I had to be certified in my ninth grade health class way back at Crockett Junior High school. (Not the least of which is that you are no longer CPR certified, but now you are CPR qualified. Apparently, the certification tag is only for people who get paid to render aid. Who knew?) There are many more compressions than before (30 compressions to 2 breaths now versus 5 to 1 before if my memory serves me), but the one thing I remembered was the title of the post and that hasn't changed at all.

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