Monday, September 29, 2008

As Wholesome As Apple Pie

The set up:
There is about a five-mile stretch of our drive in to work that has a traffic light every mile or so. The powers that be do not have these lights synchronized, so it is nearly impossible to catch all of them as green. It does happen infrequently, though. When that happens, it's enough of a rarity that it's worth commenting upon.

The actual conversation this morning: **
Me: (While TLS drives through the final light) Wow! It's a Monday morning miracle!
TLS: Why?
Me: We made all the lights. They were all green.
TLS: (Looking at me strangely) We had to stop at one.
Me: No we didn't.
TLS: Yes, we did.
Me: Really?! No we didn't.
Me: (laughing) Well, it felt like we made them all.
TLS: What are you doing there in the bathroom before I get up, (puts his index finger and thumb to his mouth and inhales) toking on your crack pipe?
Me: (hysterically laughing) You don't smoke a crack pipe like that.
TLS: (laughing) Oh yeah, how do you know?
Me: I know everything.

**Total disclaimer: Neither TLS nor I have ever done any illicit drugs. Ever. I swear. To make my point, we went to Jamaica (world capital of street-corner ganja sales) on our honeymoon and were perhaps the only people on the planet never offered drugs. We met another couple while we were there that didn't even make it out of the airport before being accosted. Apparently, our halos were too shiny! Inertia Girl and TLS, as wholesome as apple pie.

Monday, September 22, 2008

And, Yes, I Am Easily Amused

I was doing my assigned reading for my Health Sciences Information Management class this weekend and I literally giggled out loud. Just that moment, it dawned on me that I would have been reading that particular article ON MY OWN if it wasn't assigned. (I guess this means that the Medical Librarian track is really where I am supposed to be, which is good, since that's my declared specialization.)

Monday, September 15, 2008

You Can Call Me BOA

TLS and I were eating sushi at our favorite neighborhood sushi place this weekend. (And by neighborhood, I don't mean that it is in our neighborhood. We're lucky to have a gas station and a feed store in our neighborhood, so I'm figuring that the first sushi restaurant will open near us in, oh, about 2020. I simply mean to convey that it is a family-owned, non-conglomerate business. But I digress. As usual.) The sushi chef had a college football game on the TV and it happened to be between the school where TLS and I met and a local university. TLS graduated there in 1992 when I was attending my first (abortive) stint in graduate school--a story to be told for another day. Here's how the general conversation went:

Me: We should really go back for a football game this season.
TLS: Yeah, a couple of alumni like us, they must be dying to have us back.
Me: We'll, you're the alumnus. I just attended.
TLS: They want you too; you're Bride of Alumnus

I think I might have found my new nickname.

Friday, September 12, 2008

You Know You Haven't Blogged in a While When You Can't Remember Your Password

As you might have guessed, I've been a tad busy lately--what with the school and the work and the teeny, tiny little things like sleeping and eating. I cannot believe that I let my advisor talk me into taking three classes. Three! Of course, one of them is a one hour class, but it is still eight semester hours and with working full time, I seem to be continually quite frazzled.

Not that anyone else really wants or needs to hear the rambling whining from me. ("Oooh, poor Inertia Girl. All that school must be so *taxing*!!") So feel free to click along to something else if you find this a little too much to take.

I've been wigging out over school and work alternately, and sometimes school and work simultaneously. I'm guessing that it's been quite a hoot for my BFF, Pam and, of course, the mostly underrated TLS. Pam was talking me off the ledge the other day (by reminding me that it is only my rampant over-achieving that is making me insane and that I might want to take it down a notch--good advice for me no matter what's going on in my life) and I realized that it truly will take a village to get me through grad school. (So thanks to all my fellow villagers. You know who you are!)

And on a completely unrelated note, is it unhealthy to be checking the weather sites about once an hour for updated Ike tracking?! Such a weather nerd. (Or nerd in general.)