Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The State Nut

Listening to the radio this morning coming in to work, the DJs were talking about this being National Pie Day and commenting that Texas does not have a state dessert. They were also soliciting for suggestions. Here is a transcript of our conversation:

Me: (to the radio) Pecan pie, since the pecan is the state nut.
TLS: (Looks at me funny)
Me: It is! Google it.
TLS: I was going to say that YOU were the state nut.

Well, in the interest of providing accurate information, it turns out that Texas does not have a state nut, but that the pecan is the state tree. So it turns out that I could still be the official state nut. I wonder how I go about suggesting that.

P.S. Interesting fact (if you're me, apparently), I learned that Texas has its own tartan, the Texas Bluebonnet Tartan.

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