Saturday, March 08, 2008

They Call It Avelox. I Call It The Devil's Antibiotic

So when I went back to the doctor on Monday with my ear re-infection, she gave me the antibiotic Avelox. Unbeknownst to me, this antibiotic has a laundry list of serious side effects. Even after one dose I was having horrible nightmares and insomnia (an unlikely combination, I'll grant you), along with pain in my achilles tendon. Avelox has a history of causing tendonitis and tendon rupture. (Yikes!) The tendon problem is exactly what I didn't need since I spent about two months in a lower leg cast last year trying to avoid foot surgery due to achilles bursitis. (I know. I'm a medical mystery.) So on Wednesday, I called and got them to call me in another antibiotic. I'm now on eyrthromycin and while I have to be sure and take it with some food to avoid nausea, it's much better than what I shall now call "The Devil's Antibiotic." Here's hoping that once I'm finished with this round that I've done my time with the medication for quite some time.

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