Friday, December 07, 2007

You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch

So here's the deal with me and Christmas. It's not that I don't enjoy the giving and receiving of gifts and I do love a good rendition of O Holy Night as much as the next person and I adore sending and receiving Christmas cards with letters and pictures, but I just don't get into the whole decoration aspect. It's completely lost on me. I have no desire to put up the tree (or trees!), climb on the roof to string the Christmas lights, or blanket the house with red and green decorations. To be truthful, it seems fairly pointless, but again--that's just me. I can appreciate the beauty of other people's Christmas style and I bow to their industriousness with all that the decoration process entails. It's just not going to happen at Chez Inertia. Does this make me a Scrooge or a Grinch? Possibly. But I bet when you open your world-famous Inertia Girl Christmas letter, you'll know that deep down, I really do have some Christmas in my heart.

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