Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Post Where I Promise To Try Harder

I suppose that some of the reason I've started this blog is to try and overcome my tendencies to procrastinate and be resistant to change. So, in that spirit, I've decided to share the ways, big and small (mostly small, I'm sure) that I'm making an effort.

A couple of weeks ago, I took the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) in preparation for application to library school at the University of North Texas. You might be thinking, "Oh Inertia Girl, it sounds as if you haven't procrastinated at all," but you'd be WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. I've only been considering going back to school for this degree for .... oh ... about ten years now.

Now, while that is a great first step, I only have to complete about seven more of them to complete my application. I've at least located the three people that I'd like to write my recommendations and they've given the okay, but now I have to fill out two, yes count them two, applications: one for the graduate school as a whole and one for the school of library science and then write a one to two page essay about why I need to be doing this. Do they have any idea how the thought of writing this essay makes my head spin and my stomach clench? (Would it be wrong to have someone ghost write it? Really? Dang!)

Well, enough of the self-congratulatory yada yada.

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