I started to write a post yesterday that was depressing and maudlin. (I've literally had to fight the urge to go look up the dictionary definitions of both of those words to confirm that instead of giving you a couple of nuanced adjectives I wasn't being just plain old redundant. But I digress...) I have been in a sort of mini-funk the last few days for no apparent reason. Seriously, nothing has changed in my life (Still have the supportive, wonderful husband? Check. Still gainfully employed? Check. Still got my health - such that it is? Check, check and check.) but I couldn't seem to shake the free-floating anxiety. I had a good cry over a novel I finished Tuesday night, Hangover Soup by Louise Redd, which I thoroughly enjoyed despite the tears. But I couldn't decide whether the book made me cry strictly on its own merits or whether the funk "made me do it", so to speak. Why doesn't someone else read the book and let me know the answer to that one? So, anyway, the abortive post was pretty much a study in self-pity, self-indulgence and any other self related word you can think of. Thankfully, I didn't get very far before I hit the *save as draft* button and closed the blog right out. When I opened it up today (obviously in at least a somewhat better frame of mind), I gleefully deleted everything I wrote and vowed to start afresh. Although, now that I think about it, I've really just indulged the funk by explaining what the gist of the post was. I guess that instead of Why You're Not Going to Read the Post I Started Yesterday, I probably should have called it The Reader's Digest Condensed Version of the Post I Was Going to Publish Yesterday. Bring on the pity party, please, because apparently I can't seem to avoid it.
As a side note, I've been reading over all the material from the advising department from the library school about the classes I'm going to take in the fall. I have to say that I've feeling very "out of the loop" on this whole school thing. I will have one actual in-class course and the other two will be web-based after one meeting. I'm not so sure how I'm going to feel about the whole web-based phenomenon, but it's the way that this program is structured, so I'd better get happy about it, I suppose. I was very excited, though, that I was able to figure out my new .edu email address and how to log on. (I am so easily amused.)
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