Said person turns out to be my husband, TLS. "Oh," you ask, "How is he a bigger Internet sensation than you?" Well, it turns out that he is a YouTube rising star. Granted, he's not in the LonelyGirl or Obama Girl stratosphere, but he has a more than respectable view count (6,440, combined) for his two short videos on how to make a potato battery. Especially since they were really only intended for Youngest's oldest kid--codename River Rat--and the completion of his science fair project. While over here at Blogger, I, dear reader, have less than 750 hits for my blog. Not that this is a contest between the two of us. Nooooo. Never. There is absolutely no taunting or not-so-subtle reminders being bandied about the house. How could there possibly be room for competition within the bonds of matrimony? (Whatever. Bring it on, big guy!)
I am not going to link or embed his videos, because, really, I am not in the business of helping my esteemed opponent--no matter how cute he may be.
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