A simple quiz:
Someone gives you an orange tabby cat. You name it:
A) Jones
B) Something besides answer A
Someone mentions the "Kwisatz Haderach". You say:
A) "Arrakis. Desert Planet."
B) "Gesundheit!"
Someone calls you a "nerf herder". You say"
A) "Thank you, Princess Leia."
B) "Huh? A what?"
Someone mentions that they are experiencing a feeling of deja vu. You:
A) Wonder what "They" changed in the matrix.
B) Do nothing and continue on your way.
Someone asks you to make the Vulcan salute. You:
A) Face your palm forward with the fingers parted between the middle and ring finger with the thumb extended and say, "Live long and prosper."
B) Ask, "What's a Vulcan salute?"
Ron Weasley's rat's name is:
A) Scabbers
B) Who's Ron Weasley?
For all A answers, give yourself one point.
For Score 0-2:
Congratulations! You are "normal." Carry on.
For Score 3-4:
You're a sci-fi dabbler. With only a little more effort, you could become a full-fledged nerd.
For Score 5-6:
Welcome to life in the "dork forest"! Can we hang out?
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