I realized today that almost all of the general interest blogs I read regularly are written by women in their thirties--women, I must add, that I find inventive, hilarious, erudite, insightful and well-read. Am I drawn to them because of the quality and superiority of insight from women of a similar age or because they are chronicling something universal? I guess what really matters is that they can make me laugh in the same paragraph that they make me face a difficult topic. That's quite an achievement.
I was also thinking about how many smart, beautiful, funny women I have as friends. While many of us are arriving at the end of the 30's "Bell curve" this year, we all are thriving and out to conquer the world (or at least our little corner of it). I've had discussions with several friends about how old we think we are, as opposed to our chronological age. To a one, we all feel like we are in our mid-twenties. Case in point, it was inconceivable to me that my 20-year high school reunion was last September, since in my mind I'm only 25. Why 25? I'm not sure, really. That was the year I got married (good), but also the year I had some job tumult (not so good), and developed a chronic medical condition (very bad), so it can't just be the "highlight of my adult life". I guess at 25 people are just starting to feel like an adult but still not old enough to feel the weight of more middle age problems.
I wonder if hitting the big 4-0 (2009, here I come!) will change my "interior" age. Will I magically and automatically reset to feeling 30 or 35? I guess only time will tell.
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