Friday, February 20, 2009

Sitting and Watching the Cursor Blink

Look, I know I haven't been the best blogger of late. And I hate to trot out the old "I don't have anything to say" excuse. Been there. Done that. And how interesting is that for the blog reading public? Not very, I'd have to say.

I came out to today determined to write an entry and I must have sat watching the cursor blink for about five minutes. Literally. I was desperately waiting for the arrival of the blogging muse, but she must be keeping different hours and routes, 'cause I got nothin'.

In the spirit of giving it the old college try, here's all I could come up with. Enjoy.

Spring is starting to make itself known. The trees are just starting to bud out and we've planted some vegetable seeds in the little seed terrariums to be transplanted when the danger of the last freeze has finally passed. (The radishes have already sprouted and I can almost taste their zippy tang.) I'm betting that another month or so will bring another one of my bluebonnet posts. Maybe if you're lucky I'll feel led to write a bluebonnet haiku. (Try and keep yourselves under control!)

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