Thursday, March 19, 2009

Why I Think Turning 40 Rocks

1. I got some major birthday love from my friends and family. Right back at you, guys!

2. I got the majorly awesomely cool Kindle e-reader for my birthday. I can download 1,000 books into one paperback sized machine. I'm like a kid in a candy store. Seriously. It is the greatest present since last year's iPod Touch.

3. I am healthy, happy, and loved. [Furiously knocking on wood so as not to invoke any hubris]

Well, that's the top 3 reasons, anyway. Don't want to get too introspective and soppily emotional...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Ode to Bluebonnets

I saw my first bluebonnets of the season this week and it again warmed the cockles of my little Texan heart to see them. I was moved to write a haiku to commemorate the occasion. Here goes:

jaunty bluebonnets
vivid blue and starkest white
roadside happiness
Here's my bluebonnet post from last year in case anyone wants to brush up on my bluebonnet-loving ways.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

File This Under: Things That Are Interesting Only To Me

I read an interesting fact about the sleep patterns of giraffes (I KNOW. I'm *such* a nerd.) on Wednesday. (Are you ready for me to share the interesting fact? Well, I'm going to tease you just a bit longer.) Then on Friday, my Discover Magazine arrived and it had the same fact in it. I've never heard this in (almost) forty years and then, POW, twice in one week. I think there should be an official name for this phenomenon, maybe something like Factoid Synchronicity.

Oh! The fact: Giraffes only sleep for an average of 1.9 hours a day. (Look in the table at the bottom of this article for corroboration.) I guess they spend the other 22.1 hours of the day loping around the savannah and trying not to get eaten.