Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I Should Have Thought Of This Before

I have often tried to conjure up the names of books I've read in the past--with varying levels of success. Being the college educated person I am, I finally came up with the completely obvious brilliant idea to put the titles of the books I've read in the blog. I doubt I am going to do much, if any, literary criticism, as I'm not really good at breaking a book down into things like themes and such. You'll probably only get a liked it/didn't like it blurb and a one sentence idea of why/why not.

Finished today:
A Thousand Splendid Suns ** by Khaled Hosseini (author of The Kite Runner) - Liked it. It made me glad that I lived here, with TLS, rather than in Afghanistan during the 90's to the present. (It truly sucks to be a woman in much of the world.) A one-hanky read; have one handy.

** Current month's bookclub book

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