I'm sorry for the lack of posts this week. Work has been--well--work, with much freaking out and technological problems and generally too much to do and not enough time to do it. Hence the lack of blogitude.
TLS and I are planning on finishing up the kitchen project today. You might remember it from this post. What I didn't tell you guys was that when we stripped all the wallpaper off the kitchen walls we discovered that, while we knew several years ago that we had a termite problem in another part of the house, we didn't realize that they little buggers were apparently eating away at one of the kitchen walls. TLS took the drywall off that wall and luckily, they hadn't done any real structural damage, but now we had a wall down to the studs (in winter -- hooray!) that had to be re-sheetrocked, sealed, coated with primer and painted. Today is painting day.
I have picked a shade of blue that is extremely similar (dare I say the same?) as the color of the wallpaper we took down. Here is another little-known Inertia Girl fact: I don't like change very much. Several years ago, I decided that I needed to color my medium brown hair BUT I didn't want to go too far away from my natural color, so I stressed to my stylist that I wanted the change to be subtle. Two hours and about fifty bucks later, I had a color that was virtually indistinguishable from my prior one. At least I learned to just be happy (or relatively happy) with what I already have.
It's so good to be me. HA!
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