Friday, January 04, 2008

An Infertility Funny

I promised back in this post, to share some of my funny infertility stories. (Although I do wonder if using the words funny and infertility together is some sort of oxymoron.) Here's one of my most famous.

In reality, all fertility drugs are hormones and we all know that hormones have a huge impact on our moods and behaviors. (Think about the way testosterone and estrogen affect men and women, if you need some examples.) Since each medication had its own effect on me, TLS used to say that I had alter-egos and named said alter-egos after the appropriate medication: Clomidia, Follistimia and Lupronia, etc. Clomidia had a tendency to be a teeeeny bit forgetful, as you'll soon see.

Actual Conversation:

TLS: (from the master bathroom to me in the living room, minding my own business) Hey, Inertia Girl, did you forget something?

Me: (thinking) Uh, no.

TLS: Are you sure?

Me: (indignant) Yes!

TLS: Come in here for a sec.

Me: (walking in the room) What?!

TLS points to the sink, where I can plainly see the dogs' water bowl sits completely filled and abandoned.

Me: Oh.

I had picked up the empty water dish, carried it to the sink, filled it, turned off the tap, and then just walked away. It's really a wonder I didn't burn down the house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great story! I wish I had an excuse like yours for my forgetfulness but I think mine is just plain old age. THanks for sharing- perhaps it's genetic?