I knew it had been a long time since my last post--mostly because I had completely forgotten my Blogger password--but had no idea it has been over a year. Of course, there really aren't too many things that are different from June 2009. Still in grad school (with this being my last semester of course work, thank the lord), still happily married to TLS, still refusing change unless it is forced upon me. Yup, same ol', same ol'.
That being said, I have started a new job. What, you might ask, brought this on? Well, the prior job had become almost unbearable. Not because of the people (who were great) but because of oppressive management and a general boredom on my part. But me being me, I didn't set out to make a change. I just sat back and let it come to me. And, almost magically, it did. A couple of former co-workers contacted me and said that their company was looking for an administrative person and asked if I was interested. I initially told them that I wasn't looking to make a change because I was getting close to graduation and it wasn't in my new chosen field. They continued to woo me and we ultimately came to realize that their administrative needs included information needs that I was pretty uniquely qualified to provide. It has really been a win-win situation. I guess it just goes to show that inertia does have its upsides--occasionally.
It's good to be back in the blogging world and I hope to be a much more frequent poster, which is really not a very high bar to set for myself!