Inertia, as we all remember from that high school physics class we took a bizillion years ago, has something to do with objects at rest wanting to stay at rest. (Which does help explain why rocks don't just get up an walk around on their own, but that's another story all together.) Inertia does have another definition (given to me courtesy of Merriam-Webster). It is an "indisposition to motion, exertion or change" and that just about sums my life in a nutshell.
Friday, November 28, 2008
They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
Thanksgiving confession:
It's official, I am obsessed with Facebook. Is that too 7th grade girlish to admit? I find myself checking it a couple of times a day and thinking about the next clever statement I'm going to make with my status change. I'm sure that I'll tire of it eventually, but in the meantime, it is yet another distraction. (Like I didn't have enough of those already.)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Things I Am Thankful For (Or, Alternately, Things For Which I Am Thankful...If You Are Picky About Your Grammar)
A partial list:
- My loving husband, TLS, who (in the words of the movie Juno, which I have watched far too much of lately) is the cheese to my macaroni.
- My friends and family. 'nuff said.
- The good ol' US of A
- My job (not always my favorite place to be, but it sure helps keep the heat on, the cars in gas, and food on the table)
- My overall good health
- Blue skies, crisp weather and the smell of wood smoke
Head cold is progressing nicely into a lovely productive cough, right on schedule. I figure that I should feel really great just about the time that my Thanksgiving holiday is over. Ah well, things could be worse and I guess there is some irony in bemoaning something so inconsequential in a thanksgiving post.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Ways to Know That Inertia Girl Is Off Her Game
- No blog posting
- $25 gift card money burning a hole in her pocket for weeks (WEEKS!) on end
- Didn't finish reading the book club book for this month's meeting
- Can't seem to muster any enthusiasm for composing, preparing or mailing the beloved Christmas Letter
- Two words: HEAD COLD
On positive side, after having two completely unrelated friends ask if I had a Facebook profile, I finally caved. Just what I needed, another way to procrastinate my schoolwork. : )