Friday, October 24, 2008

Yes, You've Come to the Right Place

So instead of doing the homework I should have been doing, I've been playing with the ol' blog. First I added the countdown clock--the one that tells the world exactly how long until my 40th birthday. (I'm giving you all plenty of time to pick out just the right gift...oh, I jest!) You can't miss it, it's the big green monstrosity on the right.

Then I decided to try a new template. I'm not sure that I'm all on board with the change yet, but I can easily go back to the original one if I get the proverbial wild hair (or is it wild hare?). Feel free to comment honestly--I have no vested interest at this point.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Post About Two Totally Unrelated Things

Unrelated thing #1:
So the day that I posted last (the date of which I could officially look up, but that would mean that I'd have to save what I've written as a draft and then go into Editing Posts mode and open that post to check the date and then close it and come back to what I have here and lord, if that doesn't seem like far too much work), I got a call from TLS that consisted of this:

TLS: I just read your blog posting.
Me: Yes?
Me: Sorry that I can't live up to your high expectations. What do you think is blog-worthy?
TLS: That my teams won both soccer games last night.
Me: I'll get right on that.

So, TLS, this one's for you. I officially announced to all five of my loyal readers (and a bunch of people all over the world that query Google for pictures of barn swallows - weird, I know) that your teams really kicked some booty. And now that I've written that entire story, I know that I posted last on Wednesday, which would be yesterday, but somehow it seemed like a much longer ago than that. (It's official; I'm losing my mind.)

Unrelated thing #2:
I got my graded project back last night. You know, the one that I spent a bazillion hours alternately writing and dejectedly rolling around on the floor moaning about. I got a 98! Wooo!
And yes, as excited as I was to get that awesome grade (which was pretty excited and involved running into the living room, yelling "I got a 98!", and flinging my arms and legs around in a spaz-tastic way) I was a teeeeny bit peeved to have lost those 2 points. Never happy, I know.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Still Not Dead or Eaten by Bears

Yes, the title to this post is accurate. I am neither dead nor eaten by bears, just haven't been in a blogging mood and haven't had much to blog about. (Believe me, as much as I don't want to write about indexing and specificity and exhaustivity, you don't want to read about them more.) I'll try to come up with something blog-worthy soon. Until then...hugs and kisses.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Second Greatest Quote Ever

Received from a friend via email today regarding my project-writing marathon last weekend:
"Just so you know, [insert name of university here] doesn't give anything higher than an "A" so why are you killing yourself?
Nevermind, I understand the quest for perfection."

Greatest Quote Ever

I spent about 25 hours last weekend (from Friday to Sunday) working on the second draft of this massive semester-long project in my Introduction to the Organization of Information class that was due on Monday. Long about 3 p.m. on Sunday, when I was almost literally lolling around on the floor in a state of writing overload and bemoaning the fact that I would *NEVER FINISH* the dang thing, TLS looks at me and says, ...

"You have a lot of words in your head. Surely you can find a few more."
I sure do love that man, but I hate it when he's right. (I did manage to get the thing written, not that anyone had any doubts. It might be complete and utter crap, but it was all on the page.)

Thursday, October 02, 2008

One Weird Fact About Me

Don't ask me why this occurred to me today, but I realized that I have a weird relationship with ice in beverages. I have never been a fan of the ice-filled glass. I think that in my younger days I only saw the whole bad economic sense of it. I mean, when you buy a fountain drink that is filled to the rim with ice and then the beverage is poured in afterwards, what you're getting is less drink and more ice. I may be a capitalist pig, but I prefer more drink for my money. ("More drink, less ice" would look good on a shirt, I think.) And once you start using fewer ice cubes in your drinks, it is a short road (or at least a much shorter road) to using no ice cubes in your drinks.

Totally irrelevant aside:
Although, come to think of it, this whole topic made me nostalgic for the "chewy" ice sold at the locally owned convenience store in my home town. I know you're going to laugh hysterically, but where I grew up (Amarillo, Texas), we didn't have 7-11 or Circle K, just the Toot N Totum. There is a whole story about the name and how they beat the big boys of the convenience store world if you follow the link. But anyway, to get past the digression in my digression, they sell the best ice in the world. I have no idea why it is chewy rather than crunchy, but And as I've already established that I'm not a fan of the ice in general, that's high praise from me. I can't believe that I didn't go to one for old times sake when I was back there last year for my high school reunion.
End of totally irrelevant aside.

Back when TLS and I first bought our house, we ended up with a hand me down refrigerator without an ice machine. Since I was already well into my "I don't need ice in my drinks" phase (plus I hated filling, cracking and refilling the crappy plastic ice trays), I started opting out of ice usage in general. Even when we got the spiffy new refrigerator with the ice and water in the door, I mostly just use it when making an adult beverage with crushed ice. We also don't refrigerate our bottled water. I know, it's weird, but it's how I roll. And while I'm not averse to drinks with ice, I'm perfectly happy with my plain old, room temperature water. Go figure.