Monday, January 05, 2009

Haiku Anyone?

In my very younger days, I used to write poetry. They were very earnest poems, full of angsty teenage feelings. I'm pretty sure that I threw them all away at some point and probably rightly so. I have a feeling that they would be almost painful to read from my (much) older and (much) wiser vantage point. That being said, however, I do still like to put pencil to paper for something creative.

I was driving home one day last week just as the sun was setting. The sky was a beautiful orange color and there was the barest hint of a cresent moon right next to the planet Jupiter. It was so gorgeous that I was moved to write the following haiku*. Enjoy!

Winter Evening
Lovely orange sky
Crescent moon, planet glowing
Dusk is falling fast

*A short poem in the Japanese style consisting of 17 syllables broken into three lines with five, seven, and five syllables, respectively.

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